Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Visual Rhetoric

Find a visual artifact online. Post a link to it here, then rhetorically analyze it using the framework/lens provided by Foss (nature/function/evaluation).


  1. Click here for image

    Nature – This artifact is composed of two hands interlocked and painted to look like the earth. They are posed on a purple background.
    Function – The function of this is unity and peace. The holding hands represent cooperation and the globe painted on them represents, obviously, globalism.
    Evaluation – This artifact is an effective bid for world unity, peace and cooperation. The two hands interlocked is a common symbol, as is the globe painted on them, which makes the image culturally available to most people.

  2. http://visionwidget.com/images/2010-2/0201/iain_crawford_photographs_19.jpg

    Nature: This artifact is black and white with the side profiles of a young woman and an older woman facing each other.

    Function: The function of this visual artifact is to contrast the old with the new, the young with the elderly.

    Evaluation: This artifact could be taken to show the physical and other differences between what is old and what is new, but that although there are differences that we anxiously anticipate, change isn't all that bad.

    Mally Espaillat

  3. http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/1/12/We_Can_Do_It!.jpg/220px-We_Can_Do_It!.jpg

    Nature- We all have seen this poster one time or another... this is a colorful wartime photo of the iconic "Rosie the Riveter".

    Function- The function of this artifact was to "pep up" the women's spirit back in the states during the war to help out the boys and do their part. "We Can Do It!" was the slogan to hint-hint the girls to get to work in the machinery and assembly line forces [mostly male-dominant work forces].

    Evaluation- This artifact also proved to compliment the feminist movement in implying that women can do what men could do and many times do it well. Although we see "Rosie" as a little rough around the edges in a red bandana and denim work shirt, we still see her womanly, sassy attitude depicted in her face. "Rosie the Riveter" embodies the wartime woman with withstanding challenging manual labor AND going back to the home to take care of the family and particular chores.
    The pose and slogan make the poster very pro-woman driven, but the coloring and fade on the piece itself resemble pin-up poster style...

  4. http://icydk.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/05/cameron-diaz-photoshopped-cosmo-e1304616946815.jpg

    Nature- A picture of Cameron Diaz looking confident, with a warm (almost welcoming) yellow and a blue font, to give off the the feel of summer fun. And while having summer fun make sure to look 'hot' (skinny yet some how curvy).

    Function- To show women what men want, a confident, radiant, sexy women who is ready for sex at any time. And than how to achieve the appearance of that type of women.

    Evaluation- The nature and function of the cosmo cover do work, but not necessarily in a positive way. It does make women want to look like the image of Diaz, but it also has them questioning the way the look now in comparison to what society has deemed sexy and beautiful (which is what the cover is trying to do. It wants you to only see flawless as perfection).

  5. http://www.regruntled.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/04/banksy.jpg

    Nature: This is a photo of one of graffiti artist Meek's piece "Begging for Change" where a seemingly homeless man is sitting, holding up a sign saying "Keep your coins, I want change".

    Function: This is to draw attention to the cause of world peace in a creative way. The method of spray painting on a building wall may be seen as destroying something, but it is enhancing the building and gifting the city with a custom art piece.

    Evaluation: Meek made this stencil to show that even the lowest person can still want change in the world. Some people are even selfless enough to rather have peace than money. In their eyes, stopping unnecessary fighting is more important than even eating or having a roof over their heads.

    Rachel Cohen

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  7. http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_aa15C98LaXg/SXVA31rK_HI/AAAAAAAAAAk/DdwJDoicjOI/s1600-h/Nike-Campaign.jpg

    Nature – This visual rhetoric is an ad by Nike showing a man running with their well-known slogan, “Just Do It”, printed on it. However, what makes this ad different is that the subject of the picture, the man running, has prosthetic legs.

    Function – The effect of this picture is to instill in people that they can run and exercise and be successful in it if this man with prosthetic legs can. It is meant to encourage people and to give people hope, while also feeling sympathy at the same time.

    Evaluation – The ad is very effective at getting its point of encouragement across to people because at first glance it really shocks you and gets your attention. It also brings joy and makes you want to run and work out just like this man with prosthetics is doing; nothing is holding him back and nothing should hold the audience back either.

    Alyxandra Buhler

  8. http://www.overwater-bungalows.com/bora-bora-resorts/images/Bora-Bora-Lagoon-Resort-View.jpg

    Nature of the image - An advertisement for a resort in Bora Bora. In the advertisement, it shows a lovely, relaxing view of the water and also a couple resting in tanning chairs looking out from their balcony (meant to be the hotel balcony). They have two colorful beverages next to them. In the distance you can see bright green mountains and the shining blue water.

    Function - To make people want to visit Bora Bora, but more importantly, visit Bora Bora Lagoon Resort. This image will make people believe that if they come to the resort, their life will be like what is going on in this picture.

    Evaluation - I believe the image was incredibly affective. It makes me feel relaxed just by looking at it, and It makes me want to go and see the real thing. The message put out was very simple but got the job done. I think it was best for them to not include too many words and not have too much going on in the ad. Without all that it makes the advertisement seem genuine.

  9. http://www.instablogsimages.com/images/2010/09/04/banksy-kiddie-ride-dolphin-bp-oil-photo_DxTMu_18770.jpg

    Nature - This image is a dolphin kiddie ride trapped in a net and drowning in oil from the major spill that occurred last year. The dolphin looks like it's suffering in the net, and the sleek black oil surrounding it, with the BP oil container directly under it.

    Function - This was placed in a major tourist location in the United Kingdom. It was meant to raise funds to help clean the spill and at the same time boycott BP - in England BP has stock in most things, even some pubs. Banksy wanted to see the issue fixed, and as many animals saved as possible.

    Evaluation - I believe that he was very successful in his endeavor. When I see this all I want to do is save all the dolphins I can, and clean up that spill (even though it's been clean for a while).

    Kristina Bison

  10. http://jesuswearsflops.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/08/unite1.jpg

    Nature: The primary color of this image is black and the greyish-white font contrasts this so as to stick out. Also, the white hand print is centered in the middle of the picture but in the background so it catches your attention but it's not the main element of the picture. The hand represents a hand reaching out to people and uniting them. The only color on the picture are 3 stripes that are green, yellow, and red. This is interesting because usually when we see this color combination in that specific order we think of Bob Marley. This connects back to the theme of "unite" because of what we know about Bob Marley, specifically his song "One Love." This relates back to uniting everyone with one common love, that being God.

    Function: This is a picture from my church that was posted on their website to get people to come to their beach retreat. It has the title at the very top so people know what it is about and in large font, the word "unite" to catch your attention when you first view the image. It's also symbolic of what the church stands for, uniting everyone under one roof. The date and location of the retreat is posted under that and then the logo of the group in the bottom right corner to identify themselves.

    Evaluation: I find this picture to be extremely successful. There are so many symbolic elements to it and examples of things that we mentioned in class and discussed like font, color, and image. It definitely catches my attention about beach retreat and creates a positive idea of what it could be like.

    Kelli Gemmer

  11. http://aimeethurston.files.wordpress.com/2011/01/nikethighs_ad2.jpg

    Nature: This visual artifact is an advertisement for Nike Women. The artifact has a fairly colorful background, though the subject of it (the "thunder thighs") are in black and white. Paired with the picture of the thighs is a poem praising the toned thighs and their strength.

    Function: The ad aims to capitalize on the disapproval that American culture often places on bigger women. The message is that thunder thighs should not be ashamed of, but celebrated instead. By flipping the switch and looking at a bigger figure in a positive light, the ad hopes to sell its product to women usually neglected by the media when it comes to sporting ads.

    Evaluation: The artifact could be seen as sexist, seeing as it is reducing a female to just two body parts. Perhaps it could be seen as discriminatory as well, since as it still isolates a part of the female population. Overall, however, I feel the ad is very effective and that its provocativeness may work for it.

  12. http://unrepentantoldhippie.files.wordpress.com/2010/02/update-chbc-manager-says-controversial-anti-abortion-ad-was-pulled-before-it-ever-aired-kelowna-com_1265472297364.png?w=230&h=159

    Nature: This is an image that opposes abortion. The white font used and the image of the hands is a strong contrast against the all-black background. This makes the hands the central focus of the picture and makes them stand out more to the viewer.

    Function: This image is persuading the audience to oppose abortion. The message is that these children deserve a life and that it should be remembered that they are people too, even though they are not yet born.

    Evaluation: The image is very effective in persuading the audience to oppose abortion. The image creates an emotional appeal (or pathos) by using the image of the tiny baby's hand. This stirs emotions of sadness, sympathy, and possibly even guilt in the audience. The image reminds the audience that although the child is still just in the beginning of its creation, it still has a life and would love to keep it.

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  14. http://content.lib.washington.edu/postersweb/images/pos060.jpg

    Nature: This artifact features a rendering of Joan of Arc in full battle gear.Her eyes and sword are raised upwards. The words "Joan of Arc Saved France," in yellow, head the page, while the words "Women of America Save Your Country Buy War Savings Stamps," are framed in a white box at the bottom of the poster.

    Function: This poster funtions to rally women into buying war savings stamps; by buying war bonds women could save the country.

    Evaluation: The poster is relevant for its time period. It effectively uses imagery to catch attentions. While using Joan of Arc's image was a good tool, as she can be a strong role model for women, buying stamps is not comparable to being a national heroine of France and a Catholic saint. Despite that, however, the hopeful and determined expressions on her face may have inspired women to contribute to the war effort by buying stamps.

    Rachel Cushanick

  15. http://bit.ly/mSOfzd

    Nature: The artifact's nature is composed similarly to a front page article. A dominating photo occupies most of the page space, followed by a bold headline "Think Small," and a tri-column body description.

    Function: This VW Beetle advert from DDB (Doyle, Dern, Bernbach) aims to introduce a new automotive paradigm to the American audience Europe already covets. Seeking to reverse the swelling size of American vehicles, the picture brings a double meaning on the car's small size itself and visually making the car small.

    Evaluation: While not the most immediately success (the ad was published in 1960), the Beetle did ignite a new, smaller automotive standard in the United States, heralding the "small car" category. People who did not want the extravagant space in the existing cars finally had an option - a car that was only concerned to go from point A to point B without splurging. The European invasion began once again.

    Edward Kang

  16. http://tinyurl.com/3j6tghy

    Nature: A light beer in a glass on a white background. On the beer are the words "I'm outdoorsy in that I like getting drunk on patios." Underneath these words is the logo for Someecards, a virtual greeting card website.

    Function: This picture has a kind of sarcastic message. Whoever this image pertains to, the extent of their outdoorsmanship only reaches to the patio, and even then, only with alcohol. It is intended to simply be a quick, funny message.

    Evaluation: I think this picture does a good job in its intended purpose. The joke is easy to get, and probably humorous to most. It's place on a beer on a white background. This makes the beer stand out and enforce what the words are conveying.

  17. http://www.notobacco.org/photos/large/photo46.jpg

    Nature : This picture is saying that there is a new box that doesnt crush, but is inexplicitly saying that box is actually a coffin, in which you will end up if you keep smoking.

    Function: This picture is obviously intended to make some people stop smoking by forcing the immenent death down their throats.

    Evaluation : I think this piece really serves a great purpose, and actually gets the message its trying to send out very clearly and bodly.

  18. http://www.artchive.com/artchive/d/delacroix/delacroix_liberty.jpg

    Nature- this painting, by Eugene Delacroix, shows lady liberty leading the people of the French Revolution over the bodies of the dead.
    Function- The painting serves as a rallying cry to the living revolutionist to keep on fighting, if not for themselves then for their fallen brethren. It also serves as a reminder that lady liberty will be watching over them as they fight their noble cause.
    Evaluation- Even though this painting was made in 1830, it still evokes a sense of patriotism no matter which country the viewer is a citizen of. Freedom and liberty are universal concepts and people also seem to have a natural tendency to side with the underdogs. This makes the French revolution a particularly emotional story which Delacroix perfectly portrays in his painting.

    - Jeanette Horowitz

    side note: This painting was also the cover of the last Coldplay album

  19. http://www.lbhat.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/07/Dos-Equis.jpg

    Nature: This poster for Dos Equis beer shows the "most interesting man in the world" with a group of women saying the happy hour is the hour after everyone leaves happy hour

    Function: Serves to make it appear that the beer is sophisticated and classy while stil providing a good time.

    Evaluation: This poster does a good job of getting the products message across. Its humorous and pokes fun at itself but still gets the advertisement across and makes the consumer want to try the product.

    -Chris Kellison

  20. http://vintagevivant.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/06/great-depression-soup-line.jpeg

    Nature: This is a picture of a line of people waiting in line for soup during the Great Depression. Behind them is a billboard advertising America's high standard of living. The people on the billboard seem alive and vibrant, while the people in line are tired and hungry. The photo is black and white.

    Function: The function of this picture is to showcase how the Great Depression affected everyday Americans. The juxtaposition of the poor people standing in line for soup and the billboard for America's high standard of living show just how bad things got compared to how they were before the Depression.

    Evaluation: I think that the image of that billboard behind the line of starving American's is very powerful and does a great job of getting the message across.

    -Megan Elkorchi

  21. http://poponthepop.com/gallery/megan-fox-elle-magazine-cover/

    Nature: This is an Elle magazine cover of Megan Fox. She is chosen for the cover because she is skinny, beautiful, and sexy, therefore appealing to the audience.

    Function: The function of this picture is to show women what they should want to look like and men to what they should want. It encourages the fact the you must be skinny and seductive in order to be beautiful.

    Evaluation: This picture has a great affect on society. It makes many people want to change themselves, or think that they need to be changed in order to fit in. This can lead to a very twisted view of the world and many disorders and depression. However, it also allows people to question what people should think the societal norms are.

    Catherine Silver
