Monday, October 10, 2011

In-class questions

Group is Drea, Rachel Cohen, Megan Tilley, and Katie S. 
What is the first experience with a computer that you can remember?
Rachel: I remember playing a video game on an off-white desktop with the elephantine processors underneath the table in kindergarten when I lived in Massachusetts.
Megan: I had a paleontology video game that I would play where you assemble dinosaurs from bones they displayed on the screen. It was a Smithsonian published game, and after you built the dinosaur, it would show a photograph of what the real skeleton looked like, and you’d have a 3-D rendering of it to look at to see what it would have looked like alive.
Drea: I remember having to use the computer to learn how to spell words and build things in kindergarten. I don’t remember much about the details but I remember that we had to have a computer back home.
Katie: I used to accompany my Dad to his office when I was little, and to entertain me he would let me play solitaire for hours on end on one of the company computers.

What was the first computer that you owned? Did you purchase it, or did your parents? Did you have to ask for it, or was it just given to you?
R: My middle school required personal use of a laptop, so my parents bought me a Toshiba Tecra the summer before I started sixth grade.
M: My first, personal computer was a white MacBook that my dad took me to go pick out. I didn’t ask for it, but I had expressed interest in Apple computers since my elementary/middle school only used Macs. I got it at the end of 8th grade as a graduation present.
D: The first computer that I owned was a PC back in the day, so I was the only one that used it. My dad had put it together because I needed it for school, I don’t remember having to ask for it. But I do remember having to ask for my laptop that I have now, I practically had to beg. But it worked out cause I have had this computer for like 7 years or so.
K: The first computer I ever owned on my own was a blue Dell laptop.  My neighbor who was also my age had the same one, and I was always jealous of it.  Finally in 7th grade, I nagged my parents in to buying me one as well.

Describe a specific instance in which a computer has had a positive impact on your life.
R: My parents used the computer when I was younger to “introduce” me to members of my family that lived across the world and didn’t have the funds available to travel to America.  Through the computer, I “met” Uncles, Aunts, and cousins from across the world.
M: I got published in an online creative writing/fiction magazine, and that was pretty awesome.
D: It allowed me to communicate with a friend that I hadn’t spoken to in years. She has moved away and we didn’t have her new phone number and she lost all of ours back home, so she found me on the net.
K: When I moved away to college, my computer allowed me to Skype with my parents and friends even though they live 7 hours away.

Describe a specific instance in which a computer has had a negative impact on your life.
R:My first boyfriend and I broke up over instant messenger.
M: I was broken up with via MySpace right after I found out the boy had been cheating on me, via photos posted on MySpace.
D: Facebook
K: When I got together with my current boyfriend, his ex and her friends started harassing me on facebook, incessantly sending hurtful messages.  Even when I would block her, she would make a new facebook and send me messages from that account.

List as many parts of the computer that you can think of.
R: Processor, memory chip, screen, screws, CPU, camera, speaker, keys, keyboard, wireless router, CD drive, USB drive, tracker pad, power button, headphone/auxiliary opening,  and [sadly] screws.
·      Memory chips
·      Circuit board
·      Drive
·      USB port
·      Fan
·      Battery
D: Facebook
K: Keyboard, CPU, camera, router, CD drive, speakers, screen, hard drive

Do you have a date back-up solution? If so, describe it. If not, is there anything on your computer you would miss if your computer lost/broken/stolen?
R:I am not thorough enough to back-up my data on a regular basis, but I do have some things saved online or on family computers back home. The things I would miss would be articles that I’d had published, pictures and old videos made with friends/family.
M: I have a small back up drive that I plug in via the USB port and it works using time machine.
D: Wireless router, CD drive, hard drive, USB drive, memory board, floppy drive, speakers, keyboard, camera, CPU
K: I don’t have any kind of back-up solution.  I would lose my documents, pictures, music etc.

Do you do any activities on the computer besides word-processing/gaming that do not involve the Internet?
R:I update my Calendar, watch DVDs, listen to CDs and take pictures on Photobooth.
M: I do music recording and photo-editing on specific, not internet based software.
D: No, Music, photos, papers I have written
K: Storing photos, using my calandar and when I was little I used paint.

List as many sites/networks with which you have an account as you can. R:Netflix, Facebook, Hotmail, Gmail, Skype,, Stereomood, Ebay, Amazon, Etsy, Myspace, and Suntrust.
M: I do music recording and photo-editing on specific, not internet based software.
D: black berry sync, DVD, image browser, I used to use pen pad
K: Facebook, SunTrust, Pinterest, FSU, Skype, Blogger, myspace (old), AIM (old)

Do you store any data in the cloud? With what service?
R: I don’t understand it enough to use it.
M: Google Docs, Flickr, Tumblr
D: Post pictures on Facebook, Photobucket, yahoo
K: Facebook, send attachments to FSU account.

What websites (besides FB/email) do you frequent? What is your distraction rotation? What media/news/entertainment websites/blogs/tumblrs do you visit daily?
R:People magazine, TV guide, Grantland, Cracked, Boston Globe, Stereomood, MSN and Netflix.
M: Tumblr, facebook, yahoo!, cracked
D: Youtube, Pottermore, bank of America, Hyperbaly and a half,, Pandora, bing
K: Pinterest, online shopping,.  Usually between homework assignments and before sleep.

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