Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Is Google Making Us Stupid?

According to Carr, the use of Google and the instant access of knowledge that the internet itself provides us is changing the way that we think. As for whether or not Google is making us stupid, I don't think so. Google has given us the chance to access an enormous amount of information about anything and everything at our fingertips. I can honestly say that for every question I have, I use google to find the answer, from "that actor looks familiar, what else was he in?" to "I only have 2 minutes left on my online quiz, what's the answer to this question?" To me, Google has only made me smarter. Some say that Google has made society lazier, but just because something is more convenient does not make it the wrong way of action. With Google I can find answers to questions rather than wondering about them and not knowing. Seriously though, how did we do anything before Google? The library, I guess. But now, everything at the library is available online so isn't it the same thing? Plus, Google is instant, and instant gratification is what our generation is all about. We want everything right now. With Google we have all the information we need, right now.

1 comment:

  1. I use Google for pratically everything I do as well. My German homework for instance. I don't know if using Google for that kind of thing is going to benefit me or make me smarter but I'm not gonig to stop using it.
