Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Is Google Making Us Stupid?

I won't say Google is making us stupider just lazier, at least my generation. Because we were raised with the ability to find other forms of information that is not the internet i think we are just taking advantages of an easier system. For the generation that won't or isn't raised with looking up information from books and in the library, instead of just online, it is possible that it will hinder the ability to retain information. They will become dependent on the internet and not know what to do with themselves if it shuts down. For future generations it is possible that is could hinder them and make them 'stupider.' But than again they could also adapt the the new wave of finding information and be able to hold more information in their brain at a time, like a computer. But only time will tell.


  1. I completey agree with your views on the differences in retaining information among generations. I still remember having to go to the local library, flip through index cards to find the section, and then actually renting the book and researching information and now, my younger sister, who is six years younger than me, only researches through her laptop. Times are constantly changing, technology upgrades cannot be stalled so the way we live, think, and study will never stay the same.

  2. I agree that google has made most people lazy. I think its a great tool but most younger people ressort to google to answer questions they could probably answer if they thought hard enough.
