Monday, October 10, 2011

Katie Armstrong, Laura Hawkins, Jeanette Horowitz, Jordan Spina

What is the first experience with a computer that you can remember?

- The first memory I have with a computer was at my dad’s house when I was in about first or second grade. I remember having it but him never letting me use it too much because when we were on the computer we couldn’t use the telephone. I don’t know how but they were connected so whenever someone was on the computer the telephone would just make static noises and no one could call in or out. (Katie)

- Playing learning games at home and practicing typing (Laura)

- Playing video games IE Pajama Sam and Freddie Fish (Jeanette)

- Violent video games, Wolfenstein 3D (Jordan)

What was the first computer that you owned? Did you purchase it, or did your parents? Did you have to ask for it, or was it just given to you?

- The first I ever owned was a laptop I got right before graduating high school. My parents bought it for me for college. I didn’t ask for it, I just knew I was going to get it because they knew I would need one for school so one day before graduation my dad just said lets go get one and so we did.

- Laptop for Christmas in 2009, I asked for it and got it for my gift.

- iBook g4 for bat mitzvah in 7th grade. I asked for it because my brother kept crashing our computer at home.

- Parents bought it for graduation gift for college.

Describe a specific instance in which a computer has had a positive impact on your life.

- Easy access to information

- Was able to learn how to type be using programs for the computer.

- Being able to video chat with friends that I don’t often see.

- Easier to do homework with internet access.

Describe a specific instance in which a computer has had a negative impact on your life.

- I waste so much time on the computer doing basically nothing that sometimes it causes me to slip in school or with my homework.

- Facebook has weakened my social and study skills.

- Easily distracted by the computer and used for procrastination.

- A big distraction.

List as many parts of the computer that you can think of.

- Screen

- Webcam

- Motherboard

- Ram

- Hard drive


- Keyboard

- Disk drive

- Battery

- USB ports

- Mouse pad

- Headphone jack

- Power button

Do you have a data back-up solution? If so, describe it. If not, is there anything on your computer that you would miss if your computer was lost/stolen/broken?

- No I don’t have a back-up solution. Yes there is a lot I would miss, mostly my music and pictures and old class notes and assignments.

- Occasionally use a flash drive, wouldn’t miss anything really because it is fairly new.

- Sometime I manually back it up. Music!

- System is backed up but nothing else, would miss music mostly.

Do you do any activities on the computer besides word processing/gaming that do not involve the internet?

- Watch DVD’s

- Listen to music on iTunes and look at photos saved on computer.

- Watch DVD’s

- Watch DVD’s

List as many sites/network with which you have an account as you can.

- Gmail

- Blackboard

- Suntrust

- Amazon

- Ebay

- Skype

- Facebook

- Google +

- iTunes

- MySpace

- Fleaflicker

- Twitter

- Tumblr

- Wells fargo

- Hulu

- Blogger

- Youtube

- Stumble upon

- Yahoo

- Community First

- Netflix




Do you store any data in the cloud? With what service?

- E-mail

- Facebook

What websites (besides FB/email) do you frequent? What is your distraction rotation? What media/news/entertainment websites/blogs/tumblrs do you visit daily?

- Blackboard

- Twitter

- Tumblr

- Perez Hilton

- People Magazine

- Youtube

- Amazon

- Stumble upon


- Jaguars Blog sites

Katie, Laura, Jeanette, and Jordan

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